Monday, October 12, 2009

Have you ever wondered what tiredness really is?

After doing some amount of work, we get tired. When you are tired, you can’t go on working, you need to rest. The tiredness sets up a limit to your performance. But have you ever wondered whether tiredness is what it appears to be? You are going to be surprised there.
Scientists have systematically proved that mental work itself doesn’t make you tired. During physical labor, the brain shows traces of toxic chemicals that are released by physical exhaustion. But the blood passing through the brain during a mental activity doesn’t contain those toxins. But then, why does almost everybody who works behind a desk gets tired? They get tired not because the work but their emotional reaction to the work. Yes! Stress, anxiety, sadness, anger, boredom, the feeling of lack of positive feedback, which you experience during a mental activity make you tired. Such imitations make you stiffen up, and a stiff muscle is a working muscle, and working muscles indeed get tired.
Stop reading this article for a moment. Run a check on the muscles of your body. Are you straining your eyes? Are your shoulders stiff? Are you leaning forward on your chair? Are you making your hands in to fists?
It’s not only your emotions that make you stiff but also the subconsciously accepted concept that there has to be an effort in any form of work.
So how do you get rid of this unnecessary tension? One thing you can do is to somehow make your work interesting to you. Try to think of all the good things about the work. Think of how many other people will be willing to take up your position which you think all boring work? Use your imagination to make your work more interesting and exciting. When I play some music in the back ground when I type my articles, I do it with much less effort and faster. When you choose your career, go for something that you really enjoy doing, and you will be less tired at the end of a working day.
The other way to tackle tiredness is staying relaxed throughout the work. How do you go about relaxation? Relax your muscles, that what you should do. You need to relax your eyes, shoulders, neck, the whole body. Relaxation is a very big topic. My intention here is to focus your attention on the importance of relaxation, there for I will tell you of only one basic relaxation exercise. It is relaxation by suggestion. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Focus your attention on your toes. Tell them to relax, to let go. Imagine the toes relaxing, that it feels as if they are not there. Gradually bring your focus upwards relaxing the feet, calves, thighs, knees, hips, belly, lower back, chest and upper back, fingers and hands, neck, eyes, and the head. You don’t necessarily have to follow this order as long as you relax all the major muscles, and most importantly, the eyes.
Make it a habit to relax at random instances when you are at work to avoid being tired in the first place, and if you do feel tired, don’t proceed without relaxing. With practice you can relax the whole body very quickly. Try this while traveling, waiting for your turn for something, working behind a deck, reading etc. Also do a relaxation exercise first thing in the morning and just before falling off to sleep at night every day.
Being tense is a habit, and so is being relaxed. It takes time to break the old habit and form the new one. Relax at odd moments. Always check whether you are stiff whenever you are engaged in a mental activity and relax if so. Check how tense you are at the end of every day and relax accordingly. The change this brings to your life will be revolutionary!

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