Sunday, May 24, 2009

How to Create Mind Map With Tony Buzan's IMindMap Software By David Kendrick

There are probably hundreds of mind mapping softwares out there and recently, I have stumbled upon one and only mind mapping software endorsed by Tony Buzan himself. It is called the iMindMap.

In case you do not know who Tony Buzan is, he is the person who developed the concept and principle of mind mapping in the 60's.

In this article, I will be discussing how iMindMap can help you to create your very own mind maps, no matter how many maps you need. It is easy and it works exactly how it is supposed to be done.

Draw A Central Image

Usually a mind map is started off with a central image that represents that topic. It could be your holiday, diet, business, personal development or fashion, depending on which area of your life you want to put ideas on.

Let's take the example of diet for the purpose of this article. Imagine that you are sketching your diet plan, so you draw a central image that represents diet.

It could be a picture of a meal, a hunky lad, a photo of your desired Mr Universe or for ladies, a body of a supermodel. It does not matter what you put as a central image as long as it represents the topic of your map.

Create Main Branches

Now that you know that you need to work on your diet. However, there is no way you could achieve your diet goals unless you give yourself a clear and specific plans. In other words, how are you going to achieve the goals you have set?

This is where the main branches come in. Each main branch represents each main idea you are generating for your plan. When you do, make sure you use different colors for different branches.

For example, when you plan to go on a diet, you may choose to go for gym. So you draw a branch with blue color and label 'Gym' on it. Apart from going for gym, you may also consider going swimming. So you create another branch with yellow color and label 'Swim' on it.

Research shows the mind can unleash greater potential and it involves images, words and colors together. This is why creating the main branches is extremely important.

Create Sub- Branches

The sub branches you create represents the associated ideas and thoughts. Now that you know you are going for gym and swimming at the same time, these are the main branches you have created.

Now you need to be more specific when it comes to developing further sub-branches. For example, on the Gym main branch, you may develop one sub-branch with the label 'Where' and then you can continue to spread out your ideas (e.g. near your house or near office). Also, you can generate another sub-branch with the label 'When' and you continue the spread out the ideas like 'Monday before work' and 'Wednesday after work'.

At this point, you do not need to come out with different colors for the sub-branches. Use the same color you use for the main branch so that it will help you to remember, plan and organize more effectively.

Insert Images

Last but not least, you will need to insert images for every end result. Let's say you have a specific plan that you will go for gym on every Monday before work, then you can put an image that represents that plan. It could be a hunky lad standing in the office or just a building, whatever you need to help you remember what the image means to you.


The steps above are the exact steps you need to take in order to create any kind of mind maps. This principle developed by Tony Buzan has been made even easier through the only mind mapping software he endorses - iMindMap.

With countless of colors, images and keywords, you may create as many mind maps of your own and start to plan, organize and innovate your business, homework, companies, personal development and any areas you need to improve in life.

Buzan's iMindMap is the only mind mapping software that duplicates the exact mind mapping system invented by Tony Buzan. For a complete review on this software, please visit

Friday, May 22, 2009

Help Low Self Esteem With Easy to Learn Brainwave Entrainment By Jim Woodruff

If you've been battling negative thoughts, depression, anxiety, and feelings of worthlessness this is to help low self esteem problems. One way is to make use of modern technology with a method of brainwave entrainment using binaural beats recordings.

Binaural beats are recordings that are listened to with a set of stereo headphones. Tones with two different frequencies are input to each ear. The differential between these two frequencies can be controlled to cause the brain to actually "hear" this differential and to lower its own frequency to match it. This is called a "frequency following response" or brainwave entrainment.

Since the brain functions in four major frequency ranges (beta, alpha, theta, delta), it is therefore possible with the specially designed binaural beats recordings to cause the brain to lower itself (entrain) into the lower meditative ranges of theta and delta. This is the area where you enter the inner subconscious state in order to retrain your innermost thoughts.

With positive subliminal messages embedded in the binaural tones, you can now begin to overcome your negative and destructive thoughts. This is when you will begin to help low esteem problems.

By inputting positive suggestions into your subconscious, you will emerge with a different perspective on life's problems. Instead of being so negative on everything, you will be able to see things in a more positive light. Not only that, but you will feel more energetic and outgoing. Your friends and co-workers will notice the difference.

In addition to providing a means to help low esteem problems, specially designed binaural beat recordings can also help you overcome addictions such as smoking or alcoholism, and correct sleeping disorders. The process of brain entrainment is very easy to learn and can be conveniently used at almost any time that you can get a little peace and quiet.

For more understanding about brainwave entrainment using binaural beats and meditation, visit this informative site. Learn right now how to download binaural beats mp3's and start getting help for low self esteem problems today.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

5 Ways to Creatively Handle Stress and Stay in Shape By Rick H. Carter

Fighting against stress sometimes feels like trying to herd cats. The harder you work, the behinder you get. And that means less time to workout and stay in shape. The result is that fighting against stress not only tires you out, but destroys your ability to recharge your batteries to maintain the fight. One of the overlooked bad health effects of stress is that it takes away your ability to fight against these bad effects.

Developing your creative problem solving can help you fight stress. Managing the effects of stress on your body means more than just battling how stress manifests itself in your health. It means creatively solving the problem causing the stress in the first place. This goes a long way towards managing the physical symptoms of anxiety attacks. Having a stress management system that uses creative problem solving to end the stress will give you the ability to stay in shape.

Here are 5 ways that using creative problem solving can maintain your health in the face of stress:

1. By removing the stress. Removing the stress allows you to get back to your routine sooner.
2. By coming up with alternatives that minimize the effects of stress on your life. This may mean having more time to workout, or it may mean less worry about the outcome, letting you concentrate on your health.
3. Getting other people involved in the solution. Creative problem solving is usually best done with a group focused on the problem. Very often, these people will then take up some of the fight against the stressor, freeing you up a little bit.
4. Approaching the problem objectively reduces your emotional investment. This in turn reduces your "fight or flight" reaction, which minimizes the wear and tear on your body systems.
5. Work your fitness into the stress solution. Know when you need physical or mental strength to maintain the fight, and focus your fitness routine on those moments.

Creative problem solving can sometimes give you the separation and objectivity necessary to work out an efficient solution to the stress. But using singular approaches, like meditation or time management, won't eliminate the symptoms of anxiety attacks and panic attacks that are so debilitating. Stress is very creative in how it attacks you. You should be equally creative in attacking it back.

Creative problem solving needs to be a key part of what you do to relieve stress. But this is rarely mentioned. Stress management stems that are built on techniques, like meditation or diet, cannot help you develop the creative skill necessary to solve the stress situation. Not using creativity is like reading the lines of the play without using the feedback from the fellow actors to help your interpretation. Each stress situation has opportunities for advancement and improvement. Using a comprehensive stress management system which includes creative problem solving and thinking throughout will improve your looks by eliminating the stress faster and easier.

Picture your life when stress is not a concern and where you are the leader in stressful situations. To see exactly how you can do this, go to What to do to relieve stress. STRESS JUDO was developed by Rick Carter, a trial lawyer and martial artist. The courtroom has emotional and intellectual stress, and the dojo and fight ring has physical and psychological stress. It was to handle these stresses that STRESS JUDO was developed, to give you a fighting chance against stress, to turn stressful situations into opportunities.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Inventive Principles - Using the Power of Substitution to Stimulate Imaginative Thinking by Michael Glen

One of the inventive principles you can use to stimulate creativity is substitution. It works like this: You are about to pound a nail into the wall, but you don't have a hammer. Instead, you employ a wrench for the purpose. Your child is watching and learns an important lesson about life- Imagination allows us to use an object in a manner that was never intended.

When a job is accomplished using tools that were not purpose-built for the task, the substituted objects are called "field expedients."

When I was a kid, my Dad worked in a mill in a large port city. He built various wooden structures still used in the large ocean-going vessels of the time. My father was a kind of 20th century ship's carpenter.

Good at what he did, his company saw an opportunity to promote its business by sending my father to an official competition, sponsored by the carpenter industry at large. I was so proud when Dad won the contest for the title of best carpenter in our state that year!

When I asked my father about the event, he told me the critical test that allowed him to best his competition was the "Field Expedients" section. Because he could not afford many tools in his youth, my father became adept at using his imagination to accomplish jobs without the "proper" equipment.

It is in our youth that we best learn inventive principles, especially through the practice of substitution.

Once I spent a golden summer on the beautiful island of Anguilla in the Caribbean. I remember a little girl about six years old, poor, barefoot and pushing a crude little set of wooden wheels in the sand, from the end of a stick she had fixed to a simple twig axle.

"What's that?" I asked her.

"It's a roller," she answered with an expression that indicated incredulity. How could an American be so dumb as not to comprehend a homemade rolling toy?

Children today rarely get the opportunity to use their minds at play. Substitutions are not necessary in a world where highly detailed toys leave nothing to the imagination. Nor does Dad lack for the correct piece of equipment for every job, and of course Mom has a kitchen absolutely stuffed with the latest gadgets for any contingency.

A potent way to teach inventive principles is to turn kids loose in a patch of woods, without their toys, but that just does not happen anymore, does it?

Perhaps our imaginations go dormant in part because we rarely find it necessary to imagine substitutions these days.

With his inventions website, Michael Glen explores the world of inventors and investigates the mysteries of creativity. In the process, he looks for innovative, unusual products that make advertising more a form of entertainment than a sales gimmick.

Friday, May 15, 2009

How to Tap the Power of Self Hypnosis to Effortlessly Achieve Anything You Want By George Hutton

Want to lose weight? Quit smoking? Easily and quickly get over approach anxiety so you can walk up to that gorgeous girl you've been dreaming of and sweep her off her feet? All these are easy to do once you master the art of self-hypnosis.

Self-hypnosis is a powerful way to train your brain to feel comfortable as you behave in new and empowering ways to get what you want in life

Because you are reading this, you are smart enough to realize that the power you crave is not only all in your head, but it is completely under your control.

Before we tackle those things above, lets learn a little bit about hypnosis. When you put yourself in a relaxed, almost sleepy state, you turning off your 'critical factor'. Your critical factor is that voice that disagrees with you when you say nice things to yourself. It's that voice that tells you you'd better be careful when you think of something that you want. It's that voice that tells you it's too dangerous to try something new, even though you really want it.

In short, putting yourself in a relaxed state of self-hypnosis is a way to get that little voice to shut up so you can take on new skills and abilities and behaviors.

Here's now to do it. Find a relatively quiet space, away form ringing phones, or barking dogs, or interrupting co-workers. Sit in a relaxing chair, both feet on the floor, arms at your sides. I usually sit with my elbows bent, and my palms open, facing up. Take a deep breath, and as you slowly let it out, close your eyes.

When you inhale, say to yourself, "I am," and breath in slowly. When you exhale, say to yourself "....relaxed." Do this five or six times. Each time you exhale, imagine your whole body turning into a giant rubber band. Or a dishrag, or a rag doll that has been soaked in warm relaxing water. If you want, you can focus on your body parts, starting with your feet. So instead of saying "I am relaxed," you would say "My feet are relaxed, my legs are relaxed...." all the way up to your head.

When you become completely relaxed, you are ready to start reprogramming your mind however you like. Focus on positive statements you want to achieve. Remember, like anything else, this takes patience and discipline. To get the really good results you want, you have to practice this consistently. It only takes a few minutes, and it will drastically reduce your stress, as a side benefit. The more often you do it, the greater your life will improve In future articles I'll be telling you exactly what to say based on what you want to achieve, or you can read my blog and see the hundreds of free articles designed to help you easily improve your life and effortlessly get what you want.

George Hutton is a widely read author and blogger who writes inspirational and life changing articles. You can join many others who read daily at

You can also view his videos at

Monday, May 11, 2009

Why Do Some Leaders Seem to Draw Charismatic and Magnetic People to Them Without Even Trying?By Kathy Munslow

We probably all know someone who seems to draw charismatic and magnetic people to them from everywhere without even trying. And often times these people will go on to achieve massive results in their lives. Ever wondered what their secret is? What makes them stand out from the crowd? Let's look at a few leaders and see if we can find some common ground.

Richard Branson was around 15 years of age when he decided he wanted to give the students a voice. He proceeded to sell ad space for a magazine that didn't even exist. And he got buy in. He then went on to start a small mail order record business to provide cheap music. This later became Virgin Records.

Warren Buffet had about $100 when he spotted his first investment house, which was going to cost over $100,000. He faced some fierce opposition along the way, but he now has a net worth of multi billions.

Donald Trump's first investment was the Commodore hotel. It was totally run down and had a shocking reputation, as part of it was a massage parlour. Not only did he get buy in from multiple parties, one of them was the city!

So all these leaders have fought the odds and won. But how?

The first thing they quite obviously had was a clear dream and vision of what they wanted. Even against the odds, they had to truly believe their goal was achievable. But that was only part of the equation. You see in all of these cases, they also had to get the buy in from other people. They had to get other people to believe that their dream was worth investing in.

Charismatic and magnetic leaders can bring people together who not only control and believe in their own destiny, but they also spur others on to achieve massive results through their beliefs. This is when you get synergy among people, and synergy is a powerful force. When you get groups of people working synergistically towards a common goal, you often see results that are 100, or even 1000 times beyond what they could achieve if they were working alone.

This is in line with J. Paul Getty's saying "I'd rather have 1% of 100 people's efforts than 100% of my own effort".

So believe in your dreams, and then convince others that your dream is worth investing in. Once you start the wheels of synergy in motion it can become an unstoppable beast!

Kathy Munslow is an internet marketer and mentor, who loves helping others achieve greater levels of success in their lives. To find out more about Kathy and what she does, visit

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

How to Reach Peak Performance - How to Be the Best You Can BeBy Dr. Raymond Comeau

How well or how badly we perform at any given moment depends mostly on the state of mind we were in at the time. Understanding that premise and understanding it well could be one of the most powerful lesson that we'll ever learn in our lifetime.

Have you ever said anything, or come up with an idea that was simply brilliant? A time when you were so proud of yourself? And can you remember times when you said something that was silly beyond beliefs? Of course you can. So, what made the difference between these two incidents?

The difference was due to the state of mind that you were while those occurrences were taking place. In the first case, the one that you were so proud of, you were in a great and empowering state of mind. In the second case, where you could not believe how silly you could have been, you were simply in a silly state of mind.

The state of mind is the regulator of our performances. That is what makes the difference between acting brilliantly and being just plain dumb.

That fact is seen every day in professional sports. Two teams of almost equal talent and ability will compete and the team that will win will be the one who's player had the best attitude or the best state of mind. It is true in sport, it is also true in everyday life.

The state of mind is the determining factor in the quality of of every performances. A great state of mind will produce fantastic results while a so-so state of mind will produce questionable results.

The question then becomes, "how can we increase the quality of the state of mind that we are currently are in?" How can we change a low key state of mind into a dynamic, energetic and most empowering one?

The state of mind is most influenced by three factors.

1. What we focus on.

2. What things mean for us.

3. Our body posture.

If we focus on something that is positive, exciting and uplifting, those neurons in our brain will get all fired up and our mood will follow suit. Our state of mind will also be positive, excited and uplifted. On the other hand, if we focus on the bad and the ugly, so will our state of mind.

Shakespeare said, "Nothing is either good or bad but out thinking makes it so." We get to decide what things or events mean for us and if we chose to color positively any situation, the quality of our state of mind will automatically be uplifted.

And, last but not least, one of the most effective way of empowering our state of mind is, through body posture.

At any given moment, small receptors throughout our body are sending signals to the brain signaling information about our posture. If we are standing straight and erect with an air of confidence, that's the message that the brain will receive. On the other hand, if we stand and have the posture of someone who is down and defeated, that's also the message that the brain will receive.

By altering our body posture we can directly affect our state of mind. Great posture, great state of mind. Great posture accompanied by well chosen focus and a positive outlook on whatever is affecting us in the present will create a fantastic state of mind. That state of mind will then determine the quality of our performances.

It's not always how intelligent, how smart or how educated we are that matters most in how we perform. All these factors will be under the influence of our state of mind. So, if we want to perform to the highest level that we are capable of, the first thing that needs attention is our state of mind. The quality of the performance always depends on it.

Dr. Raymond Comeau aka Shamou is the Author of ShamouBlog and Administrator of Personal Development for Personal Success Forums