Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How to Use Your Intuition to Increase Your Success By Mark Piecha

Intuition is one of the most vital aspects of success that we can study and apply. Intuition is that part of ourselves that "knows" more than we think we know. It is somehow tapped into the great collective consciousness of mankind.

It has been said that there is nothing that the Universe doesn't know, and intuition receives instruction from this very pool of learning. All knowledge is timeless and therefore, there is nothing "new under the sun". All of this information is available to us for our greater benefit and growth.

How can you use this knowledge? Well, it surely assists us in problem solving and decision making. Since this information is always correct, we can always know the answer to our particular seemingly problematic situations. It knows what we should do-so why try to do something different? Why not use the wisdom of the ages to simplify our overcoming of challenges?

And, in regards to decision making...

If this knowledge is "perfect", then we should definitely use this in our decision making processes. It knows which direction to go, which path to take, which choice to make. Making decisions from information gleaned from our intuition helps us to stay on a course that is easier to travel. The going is so tough (or rough).

Many successful people are aware of the power of intuition and hunches. Even Donald Trump has been quoted in regard to intuition. One of his recommendations was that he doesn't make any major decisions if he doesn't "feel right". This is an application to learn from. If you don't "feel right", then you are somehow "out of whack" and can easily make more mistakes. Trusting your gut feeling, allowing your intuition to guide you-this helps to make you "feel right" more often when facing problems and challenges.

Too often, we ignore our hunches and go with decisions that create more stress and challenges for us. Wouldn't it be a nicer experience to go through life in a state where it seems like we know exactly what to do in every situation?

The hunches that we receive can sometimes make us question them. The guidance may appear to be illogical or counterintuitive. This is because our intuition is actually BEYOND what our own logic may dictate. And, our own logic can often be flawed. Trust in these hunches. Trust in yourself to know what to do in all situations. Soon, you'll be amazed at the results you are experiencing in your life. And, as this happens, and you trust your instincts more and more-it becomes easier to do and the benefits are generally more identifiable.

One of the more common examples of when hunches appear is during sleep, or right upon waking. It's usually a problem that you have been dealing with and the answer just comes to you-at these randomly appearing moments. These flashes of inspiration are priceless. Unfortunately, we often ignore them. And, when we ignore them-they have a tendency to stop coming to us.

Cultivate the habit of listening to these inspirations and taking action immediately. When you act immediately on these inspirations, you're giving your subconscious/unconscious mind "permission" to give you more and more inspiration. Like a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it becomes.

Conversely, the less you use it-the weaker it becomes.

Another fascinating aspect of your intuition is how it brings ideas to you when you're doing something else. Even while reading this article, your subconscious/unconscious mind is working; and, it may have already given you some ideas of things that you should tackle. The best time to act on them is RIGHT NOW, just trust the information and act upon it.

Develop your intuition and it will develop you.

Mark Piecha is a student and practitioner of success principles. Through personal study, application, experimentation and collaborating with experts in the field of self-improvement and personal development, he has created a unique and refreshing way of sharing this knowledge. To learn more about Mark and some of his programs, please visit the website below.

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