Monday, November 30, 2009

Color Entrainment Video

Just sit relaxed and keep your eye at the changing colors.At the end of the video your brain waves will be at alpha level. Each color has its frequency and the brain waves resonate with the frequency of the color you see, ultimately coming to alpha level.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Your subconscious mind can help you in solving problems.

Human mind has two levels of function, conscious and subconscious. An average person mostly uses the conscious mind, without realizing the possibility of leading a much better life by optimizing the use of subconscious mind. The advancements of the field of Neuro Linguistic Programming [NLP] have revealed many ways of using subconscious mind to improve the quality of life. Let’s discuss how you could use your subconscious mind to solve tough problems easier. It is recommended that you try each of the three different ways that are discussed here, preferably one method at a time for three months continuously, until you find what works for you best.

First, think of a problem that has been nagging you for a while. Write down the problem on a piece of paper in as much detail as possible including when and how it started, how it has affected you, what you have already done about that, etc. Then write a question as if to ask what you should to solve this problem. Phrase the question in a positive manner. For example, instead of writing ‘Why can’t I achieve any success in my career?’ put it in like this. ‘What do I have to do to be successful in my career?’ Then throw the paper away and get on with your work. An inspiration will occur, hinting you about how to approach the problem, when you least expect it. It’s your subconscious mind that gives you the inspiration. It happens when you are relaxed and calm. It may also come in a dream when you are asleep. So, always keep a pen and a paper close to where you sleep so that you can write it down just as you wake up. It is also possible that your problem will get solved due to a coincidence. The solution comes in those same ways for the other two methods too.

The next method is go to a quiet place and think of the problem for a while, covering every angle of it, like you did when writing about the problem in first method. Then just brush it aside from your mind and go on with your day-to-day work.

The third technique is to discuss the problem with a few people who are in some way affected by it or simply care for you. Try to cover every angle as in other methods, and then just leave it behind and go about doing your other work, until the subconscious mind guides you towards the solution as mentioned with the first method.

You must work on only one problem at a time and try only one method at a time. If a particular method doesn’t work for you within three months, go for another. You get best results if you don’t suspect whether these methods will work. The power of subconscious mind is surprisingly great.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Have you ever wondered what tiredness really is?

After doing some amount of work, we get tired. When you are tired, you can’t go on working, you need to rest. The tiredness sets up a limit to your performance. But have you ever wondered whether tiredness is what it appears to be? You are going to be surprised there.
Scientists have systematically proved that mental work itself doesn’t make you tired. During physical labor, the brain shows traces of toxic chemicals that are released by physical exhaustion. But the blood passing through the brain during a mental activity doesn’t contain those toxins. But then, why does almost everybody who works behind a desk gets tired? They get tired not because the work but their emotional reaction to the work. Yes! Stress, anxiety, sadness, anger, boredom, the feeling of lack of positive feedback, which you experience during a mental activity make you tired. Such imitations make you stiffen up, and a stiff muscle is a working muscle, and working muscles indeed get tired.
Stop reading this article for a moment. Run a check on the muscles of your body. Are you straining your eyes? Are your shoulders stiff? Are you leaning forward on your chair? Are you making your hands in to fists?
It’s not only your emotions that make you stiff but also the subconsciously accepted concept that there has to be an effort in any form of work.
So how do you get rid of this unnecessary tension? One thing you can do is to somehow make your work interesting to you. Try to think of all the good things about the work. Think of how many other people will be willing to take up your position which you think all boring work? Use your imagination to make your work more interesting and exciting. When I play some music in the back ground when I type my articles, I do it with much less effort and faster. When you choose your career, go for something that you really enjoy doing, and you will be less tired at the end of a working day.
The other way to tackle tiredness is staying relaxed throughout the work. How do you go about relaxation? Relax your muscles, that what you should do. You need to relax your eyes, shoulders, neck, the whole body. Relaxation is a very big topic. My intention here is to focus your attention on the importance of relaxation, there for I will tell you of only one basic relaxation exercise. It is relaxation by suggestion. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Focus your attention on your toes. Tell them to relax, to let go. Imagine the toes relaxing, that it feels as if they are not there. Gradually bring your focus upwards relaxing the feet, calves, thighs, knees, hips, belly, lower back, chest and upper back, fingers and hands, neck, eyes, and the head. You don’t necessarily have to follow this order as long as you relax all the major muscles, and most importantly, the eyes.
Make it a habit to relax at random instances when you are at work to avoid being tired in the first place, and if you do feel tired, don’t proceed without relaxing. With practice you can relax the whole body very quickly. Try this while traveling, waiting for your turn for something, working behind a deck, reading etc. Also do a relaxation exercise first thing in the morning and just before falling off to sleep at night every day.
Being tense is a habit, and so is being relaxed. It takes time to break the old habit and form the new one. Relax at odd moments. Always check whether you are stiff whenever you are engaged in a mental activity and relax if so. Check how tense you are at the end of every day and relax accordingly. The change this brings to your life will be revolutionary!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Self improvement, New ideas, Creativity

What happens to all those inspirations?
As we attend to our daily errands, various ideas come to our minds, as we take in the signals from our surroundings with our sensors. For example, you may go to a shop and feel that the sales staff can offer a better service by simply rearranging the shop in a certain manner. You may buy a consumer product and feel that it will be of more use if a certain feature is added to it. When I browse the web, I get frustrated with the way some people try to sell things with squeeze pages. When I launch my own squeeze page, I will do things differently.
So, what happens to all these bright ideas we get? In general, we forget most of them with our busy lifestyle. How would you put these ideas in to practice?
The very first thing you must do is to take them down. I came across this concept in a book about self improvement that I read. I thought it was worth giving a try. I got myself a small note book which I named ‘my ideas book’. I started carrying it around it with me and jotting down the new ideas that came to my mind on it. I committed myself to read through it at least once a day. That motivated me to try some of them out. Because they were my own inspirations, it was quiet enjoyable working on them. Reflecting back, I’m surprised to see how much I have accomplished and learnt ever since I started carrying my ideas book around with me. I have learnt a lot about computers and internet in particular. I have been able to lay out the foundation for an online business. One idea lead to another and a lot of exiting things came in my way. I’m still in to this habit and will be in to it.
Try this technique and it will help you to live the life that you always wanted. It is a very nice experience when your own idea adds some quality to your life. This habit will boost your creativity too.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Every incident has a reason

Recall some special incident of your life. Recall how that incident had an impact on your life. Recall what caused the present state of your life. This could be a person you met, a job you got, a place you visited, some you read, something you lost, an accident, etc. because of those incidents, you are now where you are, what you are. Had those circumstances been different, your life wouldn’t have been what it is now.
These incidents that come as help, aid in anyone’s life. Serendipity, dreams, and intuition give you messages. They tell of things about to happen. Many incidents of life lay the foundation for further events. You see with your eyes, hear with your ears, feel with your skin, and think with your mind. All these things generate some energy. This energy causes future events or thoughts. Everything happens for a reason. Every incident causes a result. Every result causes further incidents. If you bear in mind that everything happens for a reason you realize that everything that take place in life can be a good basis for a positive change in the future.
The present appears positive to you. You become open to what goes on at present. You stop worrying. You expect everything to lead in to some good eventually. Your mind gets focused constantly on success.

Monday, August 24, 2009

What My 11-Month Old Can Teach You About Achieving Success By Joann A Lindenbaum

How many times have you set out to do something, and when it doesn't work out after the 1st or 2nd attempt, you decide that you're not good at it, you'll never learn how to do it, or it's not for you?

I often hear a story similar to this from women just before I start coaching with them. Some examples include:

- "I posted my online dating profile 2 weeks ago, and while I've emailed with a couple of guys, I still haven't met someone I'd like to go on a date with. The online dating thing will never work for me!"

- "I followed up with this prospect client, but they never responded to me. I guess they aren't interested in my service or product."

- "I want to write a memoir, but have spent a month and can't get through the draft of the first chapter. Maybe I'm not meant to write about my adventures!"

In each of these instances, the individual has given up hope or enthusiasm for something they really, REALLY want, just because they didn't achieve it in full right away. Instead of viewing their attempt exactly as it is: simply, one attempt that did not work out, they create a story about themselves: I will never meet someone to date; This client will never be interested in my services; I'll never be able to write this book.

The truth is, it's your story that will prevent you from accomplishing the things you want to accomplish in life - not your abilities, or even your circumstances!

I learn this and re-learn this every time, just by observing my 11-month old daughter, Penina. As most babies do, Penina has a zest and curiosity for life, and wants to do and try everything. However, it is a rare instance that she accomplishes her goal on her first attempt.

I'll give you an example: last week, Penina was figuring out how to sit herself on a new stool that was given to her. I watched as she moved her little legs up and down, putting one arm here or experimenting with another arm there. Just as she was about to achieve success, Penina lost her balance, fell over and hit her chin. I raced over to make sure she was okay. She was bleeding a little bit and cried for a moment. And then she did the most amazing thing: she crawled out of my arms and directly back to her stool to complete what she had set out to do.

Penina was able to persist and complete her goal because she didn't judge herself for not achieving full success at her first attempt. In fact, I would guess that the challenge is what made it more interesting for her!

Think about any baby you know - chances are they didn't walk or talk or feed themselves on their first try. But they didn't let that get in their way! They kept tapping into their curiosity and working at it and working at it and tweaking their strategy (and maybe got support and help from parents and others) until they achieved success.

And, of course, as adults we know that each one of their attempts was part of their process of achieving success - each attempt, they learned something new about accomplishing what they wanted to accomplish.

A major step towards success and satisfaction is to be able to let your passion, enthusiasm and interest for your project or goal be bigger and more powerful than any story you create about your small-ness or your inability.

How many ideas, opportunities, relationships or projects have you allowed to pass you by because you chose to use your not achieving success on your first attempt as evidence that you weren't able or meant to do it?

Today, I invite you to be inspired by my 11-month old daughter and look at your goals with fresh, new eyes. Tap into your curiosity and passion and go for it!

Your Soulful Coaching Call to Action!

Get in touch with your passion> and your curiosity for your project or goal

Measure your progress- Even if you don't fully complete your goal on your first go-around, take note of what you have accomplished and what you have learned for the next time around

Let go of your self judgment or self-criticism when you notice that your "story" is holding you back from persisting

Seek out support when you intuitively feel it would be easier to accomplish your goal with someone else offering suggestions, accountability, or just plain old company!

Joanna Lindenbaum, M.A., has 12 years of teaching and coaching experience. She invites women to think bigger, to embrace their power, to create compelling and exciting goals. Her clients achieve extraordinary success in business, career, and life.

To receive Joanna's complimentary eCourse, How to Overcome the 5 Obstacles to Success, visit

Article Source:

Monday, August 17, 2009

Brain Wave Entrainment For Beginners - What is Brain Wave Entrainment? By Jon Beebe

There are lots of complex definitions and technicalities surrounding brain wave entrainment, but I feel as though the internet lacks a very simple, yet understanding explanation of the whole thing. For the sake of this article; however, I'll focus on only one type of brain wave entrainment, and that's entrainment through the use of audio. If I had to describe brainwave entrainment in just a few sentences, I would say:

Brain wave entrainment through sound audio is a simple audio track that has audible "pulses" embedded in with either soft music or nature sounds, for the sole purpose of causing your brain to enter a specific frequency. Your brain operates on different "brainwave frequencies" depending on the physical or mental activities you are engaged in, and these frequencies can be altered or changed by applying a repeated stimulus for only a few minutes.

When you are exposed to brainwave audios, the audible pulses are spaced out evenly, and what determines how much time is between the pulses will determine the frequency range that your brain will "clone" or "entrain" itself to.

How Do We Know About Brainwave Frequencies?

EEG Machines can "scan" the brain and measure different frequency ranges that the brain is currently in. While performing certain physical or mental activities and the various mental states (physical activity, reading, writing, sleeping, anger, sadness, etc.), the frequencies among everyone's brain are consistent. So when someone has been focusing and is in deep concentration for a period of time, their frequency range would be the same for someone doing the same thing.

The problem is, your brain might not always be in the right frequency range for certain activities, or you may be in a frequency range that stimulates anger, when you most likely would want to be "happy" if you had a choice.

Brain wave entrainment allows you to change your brain's current frequency, and experience a higher concentration of it at the same time. So, for example, someone who has been reading a book and focused for a long time would not be AS focused as someone doing the same thing but listening to a brain wave entrainment audio designed specifically for the purpose of promoting deep focus and concentration.

What is brain wave entrainment? It is a powerful tool for self-improvement that anyone can benefit from, and it is completely safe and extremely effective.

To learn more about brain wave entrainment, and to access a growing library that provides brain wave audios for nearly any benefit you can think of (increased brain power, memory enhancement, concentration, caffeine replacement, etc.).

Please visit to view the growing library of brainwave entrainment audios, which come in different session lengths and all use high quality isochronic tones.

Article Source:

Jon Beebe - EzineArticles Expert Author